Saturday, October 26, 2013

Review - Good Ratio

image from Remote Wakeskates

I am about to watch Good Ratio, the latest offering from the Remote wakeskates team. I am very excited about this.

As the video downloads to iTunes I decided to do something a little different and talk about my mindset going in to the video, prior to viewing and my subsequent review.

Life's weird. It constantly throws you curveballs and just when you think you're getting things figured out, a new change takes place. After a couple crazy weeks at work and some unexpected turns,  my future career path is now somewhat of a mystery to me. My house is a disaster area with clean laundry piled-up waiting to be put away and supplies for a halloween costume strewn about my office. I'm feeling stressed, annoyed, a little worried.

So why am I still procrastinating? Why, when I could spend the time cleaning or planning my future, am I writing and downloading a new video to watch? Well, I'm not entirely sure. My best guess is that wakeskating (and wakeboarding) are such a staple in my life. That taking just a little time to sit and indulge will help keep me sane when life can get so crazy.

I may not be able to ride near as much as I'd like to and have been a little out of touch in the last year or so, but it's something I can always come back to.

The words following this sentence will be my first after watching Good Ratio for the first time.

Holy. Shit. 

I know more than enough good things have been said about this video already but there is no possible way someone could walk away from this being disappointed. Unbelievable riding, boundaries being broken, great tunes, and an awesome overall feel. This is officially going to be my new go-to when introducing someone to wakeskating.

It's hard to break the video down in to specifics because it was all so amazing, so I won't even try. Whether it's Yan Lecomte's opening section with aggressive riding and big gaps, or Leo Labaden's great flow backed by some killer French rap or the rest of the team (Josh Zentmeyer, Tyler Mangus, Matt Hooker, Ryan Leary) just dropping hammers; the whole video fuses style and tech in to a beautiful ooze of... "stech". (Terrible sounding word for something so awesome, but hopefully you get it.)

The montages and smaller clips really help tie the video all together and give a great feel of travel and a wandering spirit. Not to mention a fireworks battle that brought me back to the dozens and dozens of times I've watched Sfumato from back in the day.

Nick Taylor and Ben Horan's parts close-out the video with an amazing 1-2 punch of some of the craziest waterdancing you've ever seen.

Not only is the riding incredible, but you can tell the team has had time to perfect the art of winching itself. I'm not going to ruin the surprises for you if you have yet to see the video, but some of the new winch methods these guys have come up with will definitely open up doors in the future for what is possible with the ultra-mobile towing device.

If you've got $10 and 30 minutes, this is an absolute must-have for your collection. If you don't have $10, I recommend skipping meals for a day so you can put the cash to better use and buy this film.

Be sure to check out the official Remote site here and buy a download directly: 
Or through iTunes: 

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